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Women of Bethany

Ladies, join us as we connect together!! 

As the Women of Bethany, our goal is to connect in authentic relationships so that we can encourage and challenge each other to glorify God and see our lives, and the lives of others, transformed into Jesus followers. We will do that through big events and small gatherings where women can connect and share their lives together. Save the dates for these. 

Women's Connection Nights

Ladies, plan to join us as we gather to connect and encourage each other. We'll enjoy snacks and conversation as well as a short devotion and discussion as we work our way through the book of Philippians. We'll be using Jo Saxton's teaching from Right Now Media. Check out the video trailer and dates by clicking here. These connection nights will usually take place on the third Wednesday of each month from 7:00 - 8:30 PM in The Well Ministry Center. These coincide with youth group times so that you can drop your teens off at youth group and drive around for a time of women's connection!  This fall we will also add a service project to bless others in our community. Don't miss it! 

Some of the other things we enjoyed this summer... 

July Wednesdays Women’s Walking Group every Wednesday in July! Jesus walked with His disciples. So each Wednesday in July, we gathered to walk together in the early mornings sharing life and the beauty of the park. We'd love for you to join us again this next summer. Let us know you're interested by by RSVPing to Laurie O'Toole.
August 8 | Women's Summer Fun Night Ladies enjoyed a fun evening under the stars and twinkle lights as we gathered for a meal, a painting project & a time of connection. Thanks to all who joined the fun!

On-going Gatherings for Women

  • Sundays:  Women of the Word is a Connect class for women of all ages who desire to connect in community over God's Word and meets Sundays at 9 AM. For info contact Jana Shields or email
  • Monthly: Hannah Circle  is a fellowship of women with a heart to reach the world for Jesus Christ, and to encourage and pray for those who do so; this groups meets the first Tuesday of each month. For more info contact Barb Darjany or email
  • QuarterlyOverflow is a group of widowed women who gather to encourage and extend care to each other, while sharing their stories of grief and healing. For info contact Ellen Duren or email

You can learn more about Women's Ministry by contacting or by clicking on the events featured below.


Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."
Acts 2:46-47